Crafting excellence through creativity.

Brands I've collaborated with to create some marketing magic:


Digital Marketing


Social Media

Content Strategy

Email Marketing


Paid Media

Content Management

Data Analysis



Project Management

Let's Dig Into the Details...

I'm a versatile digital marketing specialist with a knack for crafting engaging content, managing online presences, and fostering brand connections. I craft social media posts that spark conversations. I write blog posts that ignite imaginations. Copywriting skills that turn stale words into persuasive magic. I help brands find their voice and tell their story. Keep online presences thriving through solid website management. Build and automate emails that nurture leads into loyal customers. Compose newsletters that inform and entertain in equal measure. I proofread and edit, ensuring every content piece is polished. For an added touch, my experience in administrative tasks and scheduling ensures exceptional organization. Long story short, just look at my skills and experience summed up in words below:

Creative mode - I craft campaigns that'll capture attention, spark conversations, and boost your brand.

Strategic mode - I ensure every campaign aligns with your business objectives, making every move count.

Creativity and strategy go together like tacos on a Tuesday. You need a professional who can analyze the game plan, execute the plays with precision, evaluate the scoreboard, and keep refining their skills until they lead you to victory.

When challenges come knocking, you need someone who will answer the door. You need a juggling act of productivity, effortlessly spinning multiple projects and delivering results that amaze - I mean who doesn't like a good juggling act.

Ditch the boring resumes, grab a coffee (or tea), and let's have a real conversation about elevating the marketing game.

Don't Just Take My Word For It...

Emily Amos

"He's genuine and keen. A storyteller that can use his wordsmith abilities that would build your company's brand and boost audience engagement.”  

Dee Goodwin

"Shaneel's talents and dedication are what sets him apart from the rest. Someone I could always lean on. I am always blown away with his creativity." 

madeline damkar

"A rare breed. Shaneel's work ethic was an invaluable asset. A natural leader that is personable, adaptable, and intellectually curious. I'd always hire him!” 

CEO of Uplift Content Inc.

Human Resources at Adobe

Business Professor at CSUEB

San Diego, CA